
3 Ways for Real Estate Agents to Use Blog Post Content

June 28, 2022
8:00 am

You’ve done it! You wrote the blog article you kept putting off. Your website loves you! However, it seems wasteful to only use your blog article, for one thing, right? You spent time and effort creating that blog post; you want to maximize its potential.

Enter content repurposing! While you can repurpose most content into various formats, don’t forget that not every type of content is suited for all forms. Here are three easy ways for real estate agents to repurpose blog content to build their brand awareness and market authority.

Get Social!

Don’t just post that article on your blog and share it once on social media. Instead, take the blog, pull key quotes or takeaways, and turn those into social media graphics (also called quote cards). Quote cards are easily shareable and allow you to broaden your reach to other platforms, which, in turn, will help drive traffic back to your website.

Email Newsletters

We all know that email newsletters are a great (and cost-efficient) way to stay in touch with your sphere of influence. So, how better to use your content than repurpose it into an email newsletter! Take the main points from your blog post and create a short, digestible email that you can send to your subscribers. Don’t forget to include a link back to the full blog post to give your audience the option to read more if they are interested.


Podcasts are a great way to reach a new audience and help you build your brand and authority as a market expert. You can use your blog content to create a podcast episode by recording yourself reading the blog post aloud or conducting interviews with someone featured in the blog. Podcasts are not only super popular, but this is another cost-efficient way to reach your sphere of influence and build your audience.

You spent so much time crafting that blog article, and you want to maximize your reach from it. So go ahead and repurpose that blog to get more mileage! It will help you reach more people, increase your sphere of influence, and build your brand. 

Are you looking for more ways to build YOUR brand? It is more important than ever to have a strong brand in today’s competitive real estate market. A strong brand will help your business stand out in a crowded space, retain past clients, and attract new clients. In the past, branding focused on features and benefits. However, a brand is an emotional thing. It is a gut feeling someone has about a product or service. In real estate, it is the hunch someone has about you. You are a brand! Click here for our FREE Brand Building Blocks Guide today!