
A Stress-Free Checklist for Changing Brokerages

February 15, 2024
8:00 am

Considering switching real estate brokerages but do not know where to start? Fear not! We’ve got your back with this step-by-step checklist designed to remove the stress and help you focus on the excitement and growth ahead. Plus, we’ll ensure you can make the switch without losing clients, just like many successful agents have done before. Embrace change because great things never come from comfort zones.

Assess Your Goals – List of Pros and Cons 

– Reflect on your current brokerage’s alignment with your goals.

– Make a list of the pros and cons of staying or switching.

– Define your annual goals and check if they match your brokerage’s offerings.

Meet with New Brokerages

– Prefer in-person meetings for a deeper connection.

– Opt for Zoom meetings or phone calls when necessary.

– Use email or texting as the last option.

Speak With Fellow REALTORS®

– Gather insights from other agents in the prospective brokerage.

– Ask about their experiences, pros, and cons.

– Meet with local leaders, training staff, and other onboarding support.

Notify Your Current Brokerage

– Share your decision with your current brokerage in person.

– Maintain open and honest communication.

– Build goodwill by expressing gratitude for the opportunity.

Preserve Relationships – Don’t Burn Bridges!

– Be honest about your reasons for leaving.

– Keep doors open for future collaborations.

– Discuss the handling of ongoing deals and listings:

  • Determine if listings stay or move with you.
  • Clarify referral fees for leads from your old database.
  • Ensure your CRM and personal contacts are transferred to you.

Official Paperwork Time!

– Send written notice to your old brokerage.

– Sign a contract with your new brokerage.

– Update your state licensing documents.

– Switch over memberships and lockbox accounts.

– Update your online profiles and website information.

New Branded Marketing Materials

– Return items like lockboxes to your old brokerage.

– Don’t forget open house signs, for sale signs, swag, and postcards.

– Order new sign riders, swag, and marketing materials with new branding.

New Headshots – Embrace the Change!

– Schedule a professional photoshoot.

– Dress confidently and align with your brand.

– Use new headshots for marketing materials.

Email Signature and Business Cards

– Create a new email signature with your updated website URL.

– Order updated business cards with your new contact information.

Announce Your Move!

– Make a splash on your social media business platforms.

– Share your journey and build excitement.

– Update your social profiles and accounts on your website and lead-generation platforms.

– Email your CRM with a short and impactful announcement.

Switching brokerages is an exciting step in your real estate career. Follow this checklist to navigate the process smoothly and embark on a successful journey with your new brokerage. Remember, change can be the catalyst for growth and fresh opportunities in your real estate business.

Ready to make the switch to Fathom Realty and take your real estate career to the next level? Contact us today to learn how we can support your growth and success in the dynamic world of real estate. Let’s embark on this exciting journey together!