The old English proverb, many hands make light work could not be more true for our Fathom Realty – Florida family that is on the ground providing caring support and needed supplies to those affected by Hurricane Ian.
Billy Nunez, Director of Culture and Florida State Broker, with his wife, Angela Nunez, District Director – Miami, FL, traveled to the Fort Meyers/Cape Coral area to deliver essential supplies to a Fathom agent Shannon Grantham and his wife, Lisa, stranded on Pine Island. Unfortunately, bridges to Pine Island are washed out. Electricity will not be restored for weeks, if not months.

“We took gas, food, water, and toiletries. We filled up an SUV with as many supplies as we could fit and also worked with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to have the supplies that Shannon and Lisa did not need to be delivered by boat to other residents on the island,” reports Billy.
We learned that team leader Alan MacLoughlin of the MacLoughlin Group of Fathom Realty, Sarasota, FL picked up 80 cases of water that SRQ Church and North Port Food Bank donated and spent hours making hundreds of food bags with provisions and water for North Port residents now homeless and in desperate need.

After the hurricane, Lindsey Rowe, Fathom – Orlando, and her husband Noah launched their shallow-draft boat, bringing about ten people and three dogs to dry land. Luckily, the Rowe’s home did not flood. They kindly offered the use of their boat to neighbors needing help to evacuate flooded homes. Their service was highlighted in the Orlando Sentinel article in the storm’s aftermath.

Also, Jenise Gato, District Director – Ft Lauderdale, and her agents partnered with a local church outreach to help a Cape Coral elderly community pick up storm debris in their front and backyards.
“As a native Floridian who has visited the west coast many times, I felt a strong nudge to get involved in any way possible to help our fellow Floridians rebuild after such a significant loss. I am hoping more of my team will get involved as there will be plenty of opportunities to help different communities impacted by Hurricane Ian throughout the west coast of Florida,” says Jenise.

Please keep the entire Fathom Realty – Florida family in your thoughts and prayers and reach out with a helpful hand or encouraging words, if possible. Want to help? Contact [email protected] to donate to the Fathom Family Fund.
Here are some links to disaster relief resources:
- Volunteer: Volunteerflorida.org
- Donate: Volunteerflorida.org/donatefdf
- General Info & Resources: FloridaDisaster.org/Info
- Report a missing person: Missing.Florida.gov
- Report a safe person: Safe.Florida.gov
- Disaster Assistance: DisasterAssistance.gov

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