How to Ask for Referrals in Real Estate

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Most sales positions rely on referrals, and real estate is no exception. When you’re a real estate agent, asking for client referrals is one of the best ways to get more business. But unfortunately, many agents are unsure how to ask for referrals.

Remember, asking for referrals doesn’t have to be complicated or awkward – if you follow these tips, you’ll get referrals like a pro in no time!


Check out our FREE Guide on How to Ask for Referrals in Real Estate!

Are you looking for other resources to grow your social media? Check out these resources:
7 Proven Actions to Jumpstart Your Business - Say YES to growing your business even with high-interest rates, inflation, and inventory challenges.
12 Scripts You Need to Grow Your Business Now - Email, Text, and Phone Scripts to help you grow your business.
Back to Real Estate Basics Bootcamp - This changing market is bringing back many key real estate fundamentals. NOW is the time to stay ahead of the curve.
Check out our Podcast with Fathom Founder Josh Harley: "Generating Leads and Listings in a Changing Market (Featuring Office Hours with Josh Harley)."